The best way of Nature Of Sociology

nature of sociology

If you are searching for the meaning of the word sociology and the nature of sociology

In this article, we are discussing the nature of sociology and its other aspects

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Read: Origin of Sociology

Sociology is a scientific discipline

It is a science in the sense that it involves objective and systematic methods of investigation and the evolution of social reality in the light of empirical evidence and interpretation.

But it cannot be directly modeled on the patterns of natural sciences, because human behaviour is different from the world of nature.

Among other differences, the subject matter of natural sciences is relatively static and unchanging whereas human behaviour, the subject matter of sociology, is flexible and dynamic.

Natural Science vs the Social Science

All social sciences deal with human beings as a member of human groups.

Focus in social/human sciences is on the study of a man whose activities are oriented toward other members of the society who may belong to the same or different groups or collectivities.

Natural sciences are concerned with the study of natural phenomena namely, plants, gases, and animals, etc. Observation and experimentation are basic methods of study in natural sciences.

Scientific temper in the study of natural sciences inspires social sciences to strive for objectivity and value neutrality.

The methodology of natural sciences is positivistic, i.e. to understand reality without subjective biases.

It may still be relevant to ask the question:

What is science and scientific method?

Science refers to applying objective methods of investigation, reasoning, and logic to develop a body of knowledge about given phenomena.

There are three goals of science.

  • The first is to explain why something happens.
  • The second is to make generalizations, that is, to go beyond the individual cases and make statements that apply to a collectivity.
  • The third is to predict, to specify, what will happen in the future, in the light of the available stock of knowledge.

Thus, science is a body of verified knowledge about physical or social reality.

The scientific method is viewed as a device for using specific rules to acquire knowledge, test hypotheses, and analyze data to produce new explanations.

Science produces objective and accurate information and develops an understanding of the natural world.

The scientific method is the logical, rational, efficient, and effective way of collecting, organizing, and interpreting facts.

It consists of a series of steps, which a researcher follows while carrying out research.

Science is a way of thinking objectively and impartially while studying given phenomena, natural or social.

The scientific method ensures considerable realization of these objectives as it puts checks on the likely biases in research analysis.

Sociology is a science because it fulfills the basic requirements of objective and rational knowledge of social reality.

Even then the difference between natural science and sociology needs to be stated.

Whereas natural phenomena can be put under controlled observation it may not be possible to do the same regarding the subject matter of sociology.

This is because all social phenomena and social institutions like family, marriage, caste, etc. are constantly changing even while they are being studied.

In sociological research, it is difficult to be completely value-free.

Moreover, the research situation itself becomes a social situation where the researcher confronts another human being and gets involved in the process of interaction which makes it difficult to be objective.

Good social scientists keep these limitations in mind and try to be as objective as possible. For that purpose, different research tools are used, and data are checked and cross-checked.

To sum up, it may be said that any discipline is considered to be scientific when it is empirical, theoretical, cumulative, and value-neutral.

Against this yardstick, let us examine the status of sociology as a science:

Diffrete parts of status of sociology as a science

There are many different types of statistics in sociology, but the top 4 are empiricism, theory, Cumulative Knowledge, and Value-neutrality:r

Let’s discuss these types one by one in detail.

(1) Empiricism:

Empiricism means understanding based on experience.

Generalizations are drawn on the basis of observation and reasoning, and not on supernatural/speculative revelations.

All aspects of sociological knowledge are subject to the evaluation made about social behaviour and are put to set for empirical evidence.

(2) Theory:

The theory is central to sociology.

Though, there are various meanings of the word ‘theory’.

It is agreed that theory is a grand or master idea.

Its foundation is both logical and empirical.

If the logic is not sustained by empirical evidence, obviously, the theory becomes only a speculative formulation.

In other words, there is a close relationship between theory and facts.

The theory attempts to summarise complex observations in abstract logically interconnected terms, which purport to explain causal relationships.

Its main aim is to interpret and interrelate sociological data in order to explain the nature of social phenomena and to produce hypotheses whose final validity; can be checked by further empirical research.

(3) Cumulative Knowledge:

Like all other sciences, sociology is also non-dogmatic.

Its knowledge propositions are subject to a systematic examination.

Thus, sociology is cumulative, because its theories are built upon one another, extending and refining the older ones and producing new ones.

As such, theoretical integration becomes a goal in the construction of sociological formulations.

(4) Value-neutrality:

In a broad sense, sociology is not a prescriptive/proscriptive science.

Sociology does not prescribe particular values/ethics as good or bad.

It addresses issues.

The study of human relations is the prime consideration in sociology.

In this context, Morris Ginsberg observes that ethical problems should be dealt with neutrally.

Objectivity and rationality based on a thorough knowledge of a situation alone can ensure scientific status in the discipline of sociology.

The goal of scientific research is to acquire objective knowledge, free of bias and prejudice.

This is why sociologists follow the path of natural scientists while studying social phenomena.

The emphasis on quantification in social research is given to ensure ‘exactness’ to the extent possible.

Reference: Nagla, Bhupendra K. and Sheobahal Singh (2019). ‘Introducing Sociology’, Rawat Publication, Jaipur, p. 48-51.

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General FAQ related to the Nature of Sociology

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